Eco – Int-Mohair Choosing nature and the eco-lifestyle Fri, 14 Feb 2025 07:35:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Decorating a Children’s Room Thu, 19 Aug 2021 10:42:36 +0000 Read more ]]> Creating a space for your child is always a fun experience. However, it can be challenging when you don’t know what to use or buy. That said, you should create a functional and beautiful room that your kid will love for years to come.Below are the best decorating tips to help you narrow down your child’s current and future needs. Understanding your child’s needs will help you strike a balance between adorable and practical.

Focus on Play

Create a room that your child will love by focusing mostly on what they love to do. Creating a whimsical house frame bed, ball pit, or an indoor swing are ideal play options for a child. More so, these options should never sacrifice on the style of the room.

Make the Most of the Space

You should make the most of your child’s room, no matter the size. If you don’t know how to do this, you can click here to fully take advantage of the available space. This enables your kid to have a modern room with a functional play zone.


Storage is crucial to helping your child become organized. Set apart places for their clothes, their books, games and toys. Click here for some inspirational storage ideas.

3 Reasons Why Online Casinos Are Eco-Friendly Sat, 13 Oct 2018 12:04:00 +0000 Read more ]]> Whether you’re an amateur or a professional gambler, you don’t naturally associate environmental protection with gambling. However, the emerging industry of online casinos promotes an eco-friendlier approach than land-based casinos.

Eliminating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Because you can play online casino games in the comfort of your home and don’t need to take your car or train to reach a land-based casino, you’re saving the planet from significant damage caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Although the use of electric cars is rising, standard vehicles which run on petrol and diesel release damaging emissions into the atmosphere. Not only do they use non-renewable energy such as fossil fuel, but the carbon dioxide released contributes to global warming.

Not Adding to Raw – Material Consumption

Gambling online doesn’t involve any huge building complex to be developed to accommodate casino venues or hotels. Think of Vegas, it’s one of the most popular gambling cities in the world. Flashing lights, air conditioning and immense resorts that are built to encourage gamblers to spend more money. The buildings require natural raw materials to be used for construction which leads to the cutting down of entire forests, the use of non-renewable energy and immense quantities of waste just thrown away. Also, online gambling sites don’t require you to use printed money because all payments go through electronically using your credit card or bank transfers. Although it may see that you’re not making a huge difference by using digital transfers consider the millions of gamblers who could shift to online gambling methods instead of using cash to bet.

Online Gambling Sites Use Eco-Friendly Hardware

To offer the best quality gambling experiences, online casino sites use specifically engineered blocks of servers which operate on eco-friendly hardware. To keep costs on the low, online casino providers are incorporating hardware which uses low-energy or renewable energy to function. It’s a win/ win situation. The environmental carbon footprint is significantly lowered, and the gaming providers cut costs on energy bills.

A few Final Words

The community of online gambling providers is contributing to the protection of the environment, but you should do your part as well. It’s up to you to choose if you care or not about having fun but also sharing the concern of keeping our environment safe and healthy.

Eco-Friendly Business Practices Sat, 01 Sep 2018 12:11:44 +0000 Read more ]]> There’s an increasing need for corporate social responsibility in supporting eco-friendly business practices. A green business is one that participates in green activities, which ensure all processes and products produced have a minimal negative impact on the environment, community, and economy, all while maintaining a profit. Regardless of the size, there are several things businesses can do to address the current environmental concerns and meet their triple bottom line:

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

These 3 R’s of waste hierarchy (reduce, reuse, and recycle) is the order of actions that businesses should take to improve the overall waste management process.

  • Reduce: Using products that minimize waste generation.
  • Reuse: Using waste products such as containers and packaging products for other purposes whenever possible.
  • Recycle: Transforming waste product into raw material, which can be shaped into a new product.

Chemical Management

Business should strive to reduce the use of harmful chemicals and instead adopt green cleaning products. Hazardous chemicals such as paint, ammonia, oils, and other chemical solutions should be disposed of to toxic waste disposal sites to avoid air and water pollution.

Greening the Supply Chain

Maintaining a green supply chain is one of the most effective ways of embracing sustainable business practices. This involves negotiating contracts with sustainable friendly vendors. Businesses owners should review their procurement policies to ensure purchased products meet certain requirements such as:

  • Manufactured in a sustainable fashion
  • Do not contain ozone-depleting substances
  • Are recyclable or are made from recycled material, etc.

Switch to Digital

Businesses should consider switching to E-commerce after all most people are now conducting commercial transactions electronically online. For instance, online casinos seem to be overtaking their land-based counterparts as they are safe, secure, and convenient. E-commerce is also good for the environment in many ways:

  • It reduces fuel consumption, plus no need to burn those precious fossil fuels that produce climate change-inducing greenhouse gases, which are environmental hazards.
  • It uses paperless bailing, which saves the trees.
  • It’s all about recycling
  • It minimises infrastructure, which means a significant reduction in resource consumption, which translates to less waste.
The Problem with Palm Oil Thu, 22 Mar 2018 15:14:54 +0000 Read more ]]> In recent years there has been a large amount of coverage of palm oil and the negative impact its usage is having on the environment. But for many of us, what palm oil is remains a mystery. In this article, we will outline the issues with using it, where to find it and how to avoid it.Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is grown on the African oil palm. Originally this palm was only found in Africa, but it thrives in hot climates with plenty of rain and now can be found growing throughout most of the world’s continents. One of the biggest global concerns is the plantations that have now grown up on the islands of Indonesia. Our particular concern is those found on Sumatra, the home of the last few hundred Sumatran tigers. The tiger as a whole is a species on the brink of extinction, but with recent moves forward on these Sumatran plantations the Sumatran tiger’s habitat has been severely reduced, leading to concerns that the subspecies will be extinct in under five years. Other animals such as elephants and orangutans are also affected by these plantations, which have displaced thousands of animals from their homes.With this in mind, many organisations have been raising their concerns over food and other products that contain palm oil. There are of course other ingredients that can be used instead and more sustainable options that would be far less harmful to the environment. However, until these solutions can be implemented, a lot of people are now simply boycotting any company or product that contains palm oil. After all, these businesses revolve around money, and if no one is buying their product, then they will be forced to find a new way.

Become One with Nature Thu, 22 Mar 2018 15:12:12 +0000 Read more ]]> For a long time and for various reasons, many people have attempted to create environmentally friendly clothing, though until recently this group was a small one. Now, as the general public becomes more and more aware of environmental issues such as global warming, more and more people are turning to methods of sustainable living. One of the easiest changes to make in your effort to protect our world is in the clothes that you wear and the products you use.


Many people think of scratchy hemp clothes when they hear the words “eco-friendly fashion”. However, in this day and age, environmentally friendly clothing is as soft and comfortable as any of the synthetic products usually filling the shelves. Another off-putting factor for some is the mistaken belief that eco-clothing is expensive. On this site, we will point out a number of places where you can find high-quality clothing that won’t break your budget.


Eco-friendly products are also an issue coming to the fore in recent years. Many of our favourite products, such as that delicious bag of Doritos, contain palm oil. In order to get this ingredient, vast swathes of Indonesian forests are being cut down and replaced with the palm trees necessary for producing it. With this in mind, we will outline this highly important issue but also offer you alternatives to these products. We will show you which ingredients to look for and which to avoid.We will continue to highlight other environmental issues and offer solutions and products that will help you move into a more sustainable and potentially self-sufficient lifestyle. The more of us that make this transition, the better it will be for our planet.
